Easy coating paste for creating customized decorative effects.VIEROPLAST is a decorative putty for interiors that is extremely easy to mould and creates elegant effects. VIEROPLAST can be used to achieve different results depending on the application technique used and the tool used. It is an acrylic water-based paste ready to use .
Κατηγορία | Wall |
Υποκατηγορία | Extras |
Εταιρεία | Viero |
Χρήση | Interior |
Effect | Cement, Custom made, Geometrically, Matte, Smooth, Uniform |
Wall Preparation *
Products Primer MULTIQUARTZ Coats 1 χέρι - αραίωση με νερό 50%-100% Tools Drying Time Περίπου 4h -
Product Application *
Products VIEROPLAST WHITE + COLOR COLLECTION +COLORS Coats 1 ή 2 στρώσεις (έτοιμο προς χρήση) Tools Drying Time 4-6 h -
Product Details *
Packaging 25Kg Indicative yield 1.5 - 2.0 (Kg/m2) Difficulty ΓΙΑ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΕΣ (ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΜΕΝΟΙ)